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Powering Main Street

Local businesses are the fabric of our communities. We help specialty retailers punch above their weight with specialized software that's designed with their customers in mind.

Specialty retailers deserve specialized solutions







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The Quilt

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Small business retailers are the cornerstones of their communities. We empower local shops with the specialized software and expertise they need to compete against the big guys.


What makes Quilt different?

We equip independent retailers with powerful tools once reserved for major chains. By offering specialized technology at fair prices, we help local merchants compete with industry giants and keep Main Street thriving.

Quilt stands apart by crafting industry-specific solutions tailored to the unique challenges of specialty retailers, giving them the competitive edge they need to thrive.

How Quilt helps retailers

At Quilt, we don’t just create software — we provide expertise that
empowers small businesses to excel in niche markets.

Tailored Solution

Tailored solutions

Our software solutions are built for the unique needs of each industry, delivering tailored solutions to help retailers overcome specific challenges and deliver better customer experiences.

Smarter operations

Smarter operations

Our AI-enabled platform helps streamline operations, optimize decision-making, and deliver solutions tailored to the unique needs of each industry we serve.

Accelerated growth

Accelerated growth

Backed by our expertise and resources, retailers gain the tools they need to expand their reach and thrive in competitive markets.